Improve Google Page Rank

Role of Forums

One method that many choose to build links is to post in the forums relevant to the content of the site. This works by posting regularly in the relevant forums and leaving a link in the signature of your posts. This can bring some rewards but many people make a number of mistakes limiting the use and effectiveness of this way of building links.

Too Much Too Fast

There are so many people that have no interest in the forum and will make meaningless posts on the forums with links galore to their various web pages. Firstly, no-one will click on the links in the signature because the posts often do not make sense; so they will get no traffic from forum posts. Secondly, the moderators or owners of the forum will easily spot and ban such activity. It is important not to try and build 100 posts all at once but try to make sure you post regularly. For example, aim to post 5 times a day in three different forums. By the end of a 30 day month you will already have 450 links back to your site.

Build Your Reputation

The importance of building a reputation in the forum is often over looked. You can gain approval from other forum users and be recognised as a trustworthy source in a number of ways list below.

1: Actually read the rest of the posts in the topic. Your comment is not going to make sense if it is not related to the rest of the comments and if someone has already said the same thing.

2. It sounds a painstaking process but it often works best to build around 25 links before you leave a single link in your signature and over 100 posts before you leave more than one link. Most forums say they allow links after 10 posts but they may still ban you for spamming and you will not be enhancing your forum reputation.

3. Once you are established in a forum it is a good idea to start your own topics or threads and write your own 200-500 word article that can attract attention. You can also answer questions related to the topic building the backlinks to your site and your reputation.


Forum posts are an easy way of building backlinks to your site and improving your Google Page Rank. They build one-way links which bring more benefits than reciprocal links. However, I must stress that forum posts can only be part of your backlink building efforts. Finally, another obvious point that many ignore, make sure the forum you post in is relevant to the content of your site.

Source : Increase Google Page Rank